within earshot

美 [wɪˈðɪn ˈɪrʃɑːt]英 [wɪˈðɪn ˈɪəʃɒt]
  • 在听得见(…的)声的地方
within earshotwithin earshot
  1. As she came within earshot of the group , she heard her name mentioned .


  2. It is within earshot of a main road


  3. " Not fair , " I ' d loudly remind anyone within earshot upon our return home .


  4. Phrase mumbled1 insincerely immediately after or before one swears a blue streak2 within earshot of the elderly , the young , or the simply uptight3


  5. get within earshot of a conversation between his mother and his teacher ,


  6. Phone calls when your boss isn 't within earshot


  7. He 's got six rivals within earshot .


  8. He did , however , get within earshot of a conversation between his mother and his teacher .


  9. The hall was so crowded that we could not even get within earshot of the speaker .


  10. Don 't wander off too far , children ; I want you to remain within earshot .


  11. Destroying targets within earshot of the colonel could be part of the strategy to increase the pressure on him .


  12. However , a false accusation of harassment within earshot of my colleagues could be construed as slander .


  13. James is a self-confessed Linux fanatic and has spent many happy hours preaching on the subject to anyone within earshot .


  14. Perhaps it 's a silence that suggests there may not be a gaggle of screaming toddlers within earshot ?


  15. It 's that person sitting in the corner nursing a salty camera and mumbling about'O'rings to anyone that comes within earshot .


  16. So there we had to stay-my mother almost entirely exposed , and both of us within earshot of the inn .


  17. She has been to every corner of the earth and will casually mention to you and everyone within earshot how well traveled she is .


  18. Turning the volume up and slinging the ads within earshot of our flushing and corn-popping audience .


  19. Matuson also reminds you that what you say to a close co-worker can be overheard by many other people in the desks or cubicles within earshot .


  20. They put anyone , anywhere , within earshot , and zip information whether an expression of love , a medical chart or a plan for a product rollout around the world in a heartbeat .


  21. The difference is subtle , and the end result is the same , but if you use the terms currying and partial application interchangeably within earshot of a functional programmer , count on being corrected .


  22. And , sometimes , you need a comment during the play : If you hear the sound of a slap and only two actors are within earshot , it 's helpful to know who slapped whom .


  23. In 10 years ' time perhaps thousands of Japan 's high-net-worth individuals will be relaxing in such salons , within earshot of discreetly piped classical music , with a snort of oxygen to boost their spirits .


  24. Farther I could not move her , for the bridge was too low to let me do more than crawl below it so there we had to stay-my mother almost entirely exposed and both of us within earshot of the inn .


  25. Find a dedicated place at home to charge your device that 's within earshot , but not convenient , and make it a daily ritual to come home , remove the phone from your person and leave it there even if it 's fully charged already .


  26. He sat within earshot , milking the cows by the light of a lantern , which I seized unceremoniously , and , calling out that I would send it back on the morrow , rushed to the nearest postern .


  27. In the eyes of the public and everyone there , he would 've been wrong for defending himself because he , as a player , is held to a higher standard.Players have to endure fans taking liberties verbally because they bought a ticket and feel as if it 's open season when they are within earshot .


  28. There are wives who make breakfast for their husbands every morning and brag to friends , within his earshot , about what a great husband he is .
